Guitarists of Singapore (GOS) - Pierre Lim

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Guitarists of Singapore (GOS) - Pierre Lim




How did you get acquainted with guitar playing?


Heard Skid Row on the radio and my brother got an old classical congress lying around! Decided I wanted to be a rock star!


Describe your first experience playing on a guitar.


Pain, pain and more pain. Plus I didn't know the guitar was out of tune so I couldn't get anything right. :D


What is the best thing about being a guitarist?


Being able to talk to guitarists all over the world any place any time and feel like we are long lost friends.



Describe your most memorable guitar-related incident.


Played at Marina Promontory for National Day countdown show for the very first time with my Taylor. BALLS OF FREAKING NERVES!


How many guitars do you currently own?


Martin 000-15m, Martin OMCPA5 Black, Little Martin Ed Sheeran Edition, LAG T100DCE, Yamaha Silent Guitar, Fender Stratocaster, PRS Custom 24 SE, Rally GL300, Yamaha Bass, Maestro Ukulele.


If your house is on fire, which one would you run out with? Why?


Martin OMCPA5 Black. It's my working guitar that I use for most gigs. Plus it's no longer in production I think. They have new models now.


First guitar: Yamaha FG300


Favourite guitar brand/ model: Martin. I just like the way they sound. It's my favourite guitar tone. I tried others but always end up with the Martins.


Favourite guitarist: Tommy Emmanuel. To do what he does is crazy. To do what he does till this age is a miracle.


First song you learned to play on guitar: House of the Rising Sun. (I kid you not!)


Song you love to play most on guitar: Anything with tons of Major 7s. I love the sound of Major 7s chords.


Most difficult song you have played on guitar: Toss up between 王力宏 - Forever Love and 田馥甄 - 超级玛丽.


Tips for aspiring guitarists: Always have fun. It's not Physics or Mathematics. It's a guitar for goodness sake! Go crazy!!!

Thank youGuitarists of Singapore (GOS) - Pierre Lim

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